
Pike Brewing 30th Anniversary Prefunk

Peaks and Pints, 3816 N. 26th Street Tacoma, WA 98407 United States

Please join Peaks and Pints in saluting the third brewery to launch in Washington state, Pike Brewing, at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 18. Proceeds from Pike Brewing sales will go toward nonprofit Washington Trails Association and its efforts to protecting trails, mobilize hikers and build a statewide system worthy of our state’s majestic wild places.

NA-Vigating Trails at Peaks and Pints

Peaks and Pints, 3816 N. 26th Street Tacoma, WA 98407 United States

Peaks & Pints will host Sierra Nevada Brewing, Washington Trails Association, and Justin J. Johnson, an outdoors expert who currently works at REI, to merge outdoor skills with non-alcoholic beer.